If you’re a resident of Eastern Long Island with property developed before 1980, there is a very good chance that your underground septic system (cesspool or septic tank) is deteriorating or ready to collapse. It may be time to consider some repairs.
In earlier years, cesspools were built using cinder blocks and
bricks and many of these are now collapsing or caving-in. Some of the cesspools
built using these materials are unable to withstand the pressure and expanding
and contracting of the systems.
If your property falls into this category, there are a couple of things you can do:
- If your septic system was installed before 1980, be sure to identify where all the components are on your property and mark the locations very clearly. Be sure to keep all people away from this area, especially small children (pets too).
- .Do not park any vehicles in this area
- If you choose to work on these areas, do NOT do it alone. Cesspools can be 10 to 12 feet in diameter and up to 12 feet deep. Any person falling into a cesspool can be injured, suffocated by falling debris or overcome by methane gas and drown.
- Contact a QUALIFIED company to examine your septic system and advise them of any problems you be encountering with it. An engineer or licensed septic system service company could be contacted to work on your septic system.
Have you ever had a problem with your septic system or cesspool? Let us know on Dave Lange Sewer Service Inc. Facebook page linked here!
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